20/08/2024 Category D1, D2, and E: Challenge Announcement

The Challenge Announcement for SAFMC 2025 for Category D1, D2, and E will be held on Friday, 6th September, via Microsoft Teams.

Register here for the Challenge Announcement by 5pm on Wednesday, 4th September.

The Organising Committee will be revealing the challenges for these categories. Find out from us first-hand about the exciting challenges for SAFMC 2025!

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing admin details on how to join the Challenge Announcement.


A Paper Planes
Category A

Paper Planes

Design and fold paper planes to achieve the longest, farthest, or most unique flight in teams of TWO (2) to THREE (3) members.
Primary Schools
Register now
Category A

Championship Award



Medal & Trophy available

Best Time Aloft Record


Current Record:  8.22s

Trophy available

Best Range Record


Current Record: 32.63m

Trophy available

Best Range/ Time aloft/ Boomerang/ Learning Journey/ Presentation Awards



Medals available

B Unpowered Gliders
Category B

Unpowered Gliders

Design and build small unpowered bungee-launched gliders to achieve the farthest and most precise flight in teams of TWO (2) to FIVE (5) members.
Secondary / Integrated Programme (IP) Schools
Register now
Category B

Championship Award



Medal & Trophy available

1st Runner Up



Medal available

2nd Runner Up



Medal available

Best Performance/ Most Creative and Aesthetic/ Best Theory of Flight/ Best Presentation



Medal available

C1 Radio Control Flight – Fixed Wing
Category C1

Radio Control Flight – Fixed Wing

Design and build a small remote-controlled fixed-wing air platform to navigate an obstacle course in teams of TWO (2) to FIVE (5) members.
Secondary Schools / IP Schools / Junior Colleges / Institute of Technical Education
Register now
Category C1

Championship Award



Medal & Trophy available

1st Runner Up



Medal available

2nd Runner Up



Medal available

Best Performance Award



Medal & Trophy available

Best Presentation Award



Medal & Trophy available

Most Creative and Theory of Flight Award



Medal & Trophy available

C2 First Person View Flight – Novice
Category C2

First Person View Flight – Novice

Bring, or design and build, a ducted (shielded propeller) first-person view (FPV) drone to compete in an obstacle course in teams of ONE (1) to TWO (2) members.
All Schools
Register now
Category C2

Championship Award



Medal & Trophy available

1st Runner Up



Medal available

2nd Runner Up



Medal available

4th - 15th Position

$130 (4th) to $35 (15th)

$130 to $35


Best Lap Award




C3 First Person View Flight – Advanced
Category C3

First Person View Flight – Advanced

Bring, or design and build, a FPV drone to compete in an obstacle course in teams of only ONE (1) member.
All Schools
Register now
Category C3

Championship Award



Medal & Trophy available

1st Runner Up



Medal available

2nd Runner Up



Medal available

4th - 8th Position

$350 (4th) -> $150 (8th)

$350 to $150


Best Qualifier Bonus




D1 Man-Machine
Category D1


Design and build UP TO THREE (3) semi-autonomous small air platforms, controlled using wearables, to perform a multitude of tasks in an indoor course.
Polytechnics / Universities
Register now
Category D1

Championship Award



Medal & Trophy available

Best International Team Award



Medal & Trophy available

1st Runner Up


Medal available

2nd Runner Up


Medal available

Judge’s Commendation (2 within whole of CAT D1)



Medal available

D2 Multi-Machine
Category D2


Design and build TWO (2) to FOUR (4) autonomous small air platforms to collaboratively perform a multitude of tasks in an indoor course.
Polytechnics / Universities
Register now
Category D2

Championship Award


Medal & Trophy available

1st Runner Up


Medals available

2nd Runner Up


Medal available

Judge's Commendation (2 within whole of CAT D2)


Medal available

E Swarm
Category E


Bring, or design and build, a swarm of TEN (10) to TWENTY-FIVE (25) drones to compete in a search-and-rescue mission.
Register now
Category E

Championship Award



Medal & Trophy available

1st Runner Up


Medal available

2nd Runner Up


Medal available

Judge’s Commendation (2 within whole of CAT E)



Medal available

Competition Format Competition Format



Showcase your platform flight worthiness and mission readiness for the challenge! (Applicable to CAT D & E only)

*For more information on the criteria and rules, download the Challenge Booklets for the respective categories!


Eyeing the Championship Award? Share your design concept with the judges and impress them with what your amazing flying machines can do. (Not applicable to CAT C2/C3)


Ready to take off? Design, build and fly your flying machines to compete and overcome various challenges for the different categories!

*The competition will be conducted in accordance with Safe Management Measures (SMM) guidelines, which will be announced nearer to the competition.


How will the competition be conducted?

SAFMC 2024 presentations and its challenges will be held physically on the Science Centre Singapore premises.

Please refer to the respective Category Challenge Booklets for more details on the competition requirements.


  1. Anyone can participate! Please refer to the Categories information above.  
  2. Members or the family members of the organising committee may not participate.
  3. Participants registered under a school must be a full-time student at the point of competition.

Yes! Home-schooled participants can register as “Independent teams”.

Yes, the team will be registered as ‘Independent’ instead of under a school or organisation. This includes graduating students from the same school who register as a team and may be posted to different schools in the following year when the competition will be held. The team will have to appoint a Team Manager, who will need to provide his/her particulars and contact details for billing during registration.

    1. Yes, teams can participate in more than one category, but each team can only register for each category once. 
    2. The team may participate in categories higher than recommended but not lower 
      • Example: Secondary school students can participate in Categories B-E but not Category A.


Any student that is officially registered with any school located in Singapore will be eligible to participate.